Friday, July 25, 2014

The Authority Of God

          God has the power to give and to take life, no doubt. Many people blamed God for the lost of their loved ones. If we think, what is our right to do such things, blaming and saying to Him what we don't know. He knows everything and He knows more that we know of our selves. God knows what will happen on the next day, months, years and even the future.

          In the book of Genesis chapter 1 shows how God created the heavens and the earth. On the 6th day God made man. If we then realized this, it will give us the notion that God is able to give life and create things. He created things with limitation and others are eternal, temporary and permanent.

          Some of us maybe think if the bible is true? Yes it is. If not, I will ask who is this man\woman who can imagine and explain with knowledge the history of mankind. How consistent and great wisdom he\she has to determine and identify such things. How amazing.
          We do believe in NEWS though maybe some of them are exaggerated Those are reports of people who are gathering information from any places. Bible wrote by many characters/men whom used by God. If God will not used men to write them and directly tell us, maybe many of us will die at once. God is so powerful and holy. Our physical body can't contain the presence of God. So, God just selected a person who is righteous and obedient to His commandments and able to listen and write all what He is going to say. Almost man from the time of Adam to Noah has great life span. They lived long on earth. But life has limitation, all of us will experience death unless He chose you not to die. Examples are Enoch and Elijah(Genesis 5:22, Kings). I am talking about physical death. Life has limitation therefore, God has the power to take life.
         We are not robots because He gave us free will to choose or decide anything we like, anything we want. But remember God is in control.

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