Friday, July 25, 2014

God's Loving Kindness

         God's perfect plan for human being is to have a healthy life, no sickness and decease. Having a wonderful environment , fresh air and nice views. Man created in the likeness/image of God. Likeness and image of God is to have knowledge for righteousness and able to have God's characteristic. Though man has  free will to choose or decide. Man came to a point of decision making and this is the first test that man should go through.

          Unfortunately man and woman made evil in God's sight by the temptation of the devil. That devil use a body in the appearance of serpent. These are the risky and dreadful decision that a human have done. Therefore they have been curse. Hardship has come, sickness and decease have entry point. Man should look for food in a difficult way. Woman will labor much harder. Sin has been born.

          But God never fails of loving. Once again He showed us how much He loves us. God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of sin and to sets free from the bondage of sickness, decease and of the power of death. He rescued us to have eternal life through Jesus the exact representation of God's love. Just believe to what Jesus did at the cross of calvary. He died for you and for me. He truly loved us. Receive Jesus for you to be the sons and daughters of God the heavenly Father. Accept Jesus as your Lord and savior because the key to have everlasting life. Have faith in Him. GOD LOVES YOU.

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